Saturday, October 24, 2015

Off Your Ass and On Your Feet!

Very rarely in life do you find things of value, that just appear without you taking action. Whether you want a certain outcome, income, a specified level of security/protection, job, life partner, domicile (fancy word for house),or overall mood you're going to have to take the appropriate actions.
Sedentary people who live the mantra "good things come to those who wait" don't realize those "good things" are the crumbs and leftovers, left behind by those who got off their ass to achieve great things. "Success is your duty, obligation,and responsibility."- Grant Cardone (if you're reading this and don't know who he is fix it now... I'll wait.)
For those that had to look up the creator of that amazing quote welcome back, (and you're welcome) for the rest of you once you commit to that as your new mantra you'll experience life at levels you never even knew possible before (hell maybe even 10x levels.) The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure Comment and suscribe because the funnel is opening 6 days a week.