Tuesday, September 23, 2014

America Just Isn't Asking The Right Questions

Normally when I choose to write something here it's mostly a light hearted or business related post... This time that's far from the case! I've always been of the belief that most problems can be solved or corrected by asking a few specific questions. The trick is asking the right questions to get the answers, and often times simple solutions that you are seeking. Take the current hot button issue of Mike Brown being killed by a police officer (Darren Wilson) for example. Regardless your stance on the issue you can't deny it was preventable especially when it comes to the fallout... For example here are the questions that truly need answers.
1. Why do patrolling officers need more than two bullets in their gun to drive around?
They are all trained with their weapons, and should know their effective shooting distances ... Thus they can subdue any legitimate threat within two bullets and if they can't they shouldn't even have a gun! (By the way an unarmed "suspect" that's over 8 feet away isn't a legitimate threat that would require immediate lethal force.) You don't see educated deer hunters firing arrows 70 yards through the trees or taking 700 yard shots with a rifle in the direction of the highway do you??? No which is why a trained marksman shouldn't ever have to fire 4-10 shots at one guy. If more than two bullets are required get backup first and load your gun second.
2. Why is the media reporting slanted?
Each network takes their own slant on how to report human interest stories and tragic events? The only thing they seemingly agree on is as a majority it's non-whites or extremist groups that care which is complete nonsense...
3. Why do Blacks even have spokespeople?
Seriously people why is this a thing??? Al Sharpton is not a sane voice of unity ever. No other race has a singular "voice" on any issue that gets invited for every crisis situation. Jesse Jackson got ran out of town 3 months ago for soliciting donations, but you keep letting Al in the forefront? STOP IT! Is there one person speaking for all of the immigrants? Is there anyone speaking for all white people or even one for both sides?
4. Why Hurt Themselves?
Throughout history when someone is hurt or killed by someone of another race people "unite" and take part in rioting, looting, and general destruction of their own community? Every business they destroy is taking food out of the mouth of an innocent person or child, every case that is torched is stopping someone from getting to work to pay their bills, and with every smoke cloud and act if violence the value of their very own property goes down! Yet the explanation people give is "violence didn't l doesn't solve anything."  What if someone humanized every situation to it's very core? Is there justice or honor to be found in destruction and directly starving children? Do you like the fact your hundred thousand dollar house is now worth sixty thousand dollars?
5. Why Are There Premature Press Conferences?
Any time something occurs there is a press conference within an to inform everyone of the details of situations... In most cases these days the initial press conference turns out being an overload of misinformation. Once you change details nobody trust anything except the definitively known facts (a white cop killed an unarmed black young man in this instance) which leads to unnecessary outrage. If people took the necessary time to gather facts and prepare unwavering details it would go a long ways to suppress undue restlessness. Why would anyone want to be the McDonald's of mass information? Anytime they try to rush through a hundred things they screw it up too...